Here is a snapshot from Estate Agent comparison site Get Agent, showing how the local M44 agents are currently performing.
As you can see the average sale times range from 6 weeks to 11 weeks, with the fastest agent being Oliver James Estate Agents.
When selling a home, speed can often be important but to most people finding an Estate Agent that achieves the highest prices consistently would generally be a home sellers number one goal. So who achieves the highest sales prices?
% of asking price achieved - Taken over a 6 month period this shows what each agent is currently averaging. With the highest achieving agent being Oliver James Estate Agents. Achieving on average 99.9% of asking prices, which is 3.1% more than Irlam Estates and 4.5% more than Chris Wilkinson Estate Agents.
So if you have a house for sale for £300,000 on average the 3 agents in M44 would achieve you the following:-
Oliver James - £299,700
Irlam Estates - £290,400
Chris Wilkinson - £286,200
This proves that not all agents are the same and if it was a case of just putting your home on the internet and it will sell itself then all these agents would be at virtually the same % of asking prices achieved. Finding an Estate Agent that constantly achieves the highest prices gives you the best chance of sellng your home for a premium price.
Therefore Oliver James Estate Agents has been awarded Top Performer in the M44 Area.
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